Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fisterra. The End of the Earth. Day 36

Well, I thought I would get up early this morning and maybe catch the sun rise or the moon setting (this is a peninsula after all), but it was so dark out and still wet from the night's rain, and I was quite cozy in my bunk that I smuggled in and didn't rise until 7:45.  Remember, the sun does not show itself until 8:30 or so. It was pretty cloudy sj I gmgad breakfast with Gabrielle before setting out. 

My destination this morning was the lighthouse which, prior to Christopher Columbus's exploration, was thought to be the end of the Earth. It feels prett much like that actually. 

I hiked out as far as I dared and reflected on my journey after which I flung as far as I could the piece of sea glass I brought from home. There is a ritual of burning an article if clothing at the lighthouse to symbolize leaving one' burdens behind and marking the end of one journey and the beginning of another. Some of us choose to throw something in the water, others write down past transgressions and either burn them or throw them to the sea. 

I thought I would explore a bit and then go back to the restaurant at the lighthouse for cafe con leche and the restroom, but the more I climbed Cabo Finisterre the more intrigued I became and before I knew it I was at new heights with incredible views. Eventually I found my way down the other side and to a beach on the west coast and back into town. 

The beach I found was the one I wanted to find because if it doesn't rain I will go there to watch the sun set. 

Tomorrow I hope to leave by 7:30 to be able to see the moon before it sets. It will be my last walk of my most incredible pilgrimage. 

Interesting flowers. 

Church in town. 
Cross on the way out to the lighthouse 
Pilgrim statue
Cross at lighthouse
Cross out past lighthouse  just behind it are ashes from people burning their belongings 
Even further out!

Great sun shot. 

The beach where I hope to see the sunset. Weather permitting. 
Picnic table where I stopped for an apple. 

Walking to the beach. 

Out to pasture. On my way back to town. 

And now I am going for a walk on the beach! 

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