Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cizur Menus to Puente la Reina. Day 5

About 20 km. 
I felt good leaving this morning; I even kept my spirits up when I followed white arrows by mistake. Lesson learned:  in the dark look closely because yellow arrows are essential to staying on the camino. 

The descent s really got to me today. Give me ascents any day. It was a long climb up to Alto de Perdon and my pack, which haven't felt too bad at 7:00a began to feel horrible. Stopped for a breakfast treat (a cream-filled flaky thing) and coffee. Climbed some more and stopped again for a tortilla and freshly squeezed orange juice. Then made my way to the top where the electric company put up a sculpture of medieval peregrinos (pilgrims). Then came the horrible descent. 

There are many cyclists (even a unicycle!) on the camino and it amazes me the terrain they travel. I know they must walk their bikes in certain sections. When we arrive at the meseta they will have it good. 

I am hoping that rest and Tiger Balm (similar to Ben-gay but better smelling) will do the trick and my knee will feel better before tomorrow's departure. 

In spite of that, I took the long route to visit Eunate Church. It is octagonal, stone, and beautiful. It was also open!  After having my pilgrim passport stamped I was able to take some time by myself in the church. I was tempted to stay in the albergue there because there is an evening pilgrim's mass, but it was only 12:30, so I moved on. 

Five km later and am in the municipal albergue (quite nice actually). After showering and washing my clothes I found a bar and had a small sandwich and an Amstel to tide me over until dinner. 

Walked back to the albergue at the beginning of town to find Michelle, Manon and Rene to make plans for dinner. 

Being on a pilgrimage puts one In avery different state of mind. Life is at its most basic in a way. Food, sleep, shower, washi clothes, and tend to sore feet/legs/knees. Just keep walking toward Santiago. 

Many hours to think and ponder. 

Buen camino. 

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