Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Santo Domingo to Belorado. Day 11

YLeaving Santo Domingo there are posts (I have posted a picture of one) that count down every kilometer. It does not help. 

Left in the dark and walked by the light of the moon. It is best to leave early because the weather is unseasonably warm and it gets quite hot. 

Today's 14 miles felt like 25. I guess some days are like that. Am at a small albergue with a nice garden out back. The cathedral is wonderful and peaceful--unlike in Santo Domingo where the cathedral is more of a museum and not geared to prayer. 

Tomorrow's options are 11.4 km or 23 km. there are no albergues in between nor any villages with cafes. Fortunately there will be forest to walk through. 

Have a chest cold so am taking it easy. It's difficult not to catch what's going around  when sleeping with so many others in one room.  

Am starving and dinner is a ways off. Seems like I am hungry a lot!  

Buen camino. 

There is a story about chickens and Santo Domingo; there are live chickens in the cathedral there. These are the back-up chickens. They rotate them. 
Granon. Should have eaten here... It was a long way to Belorado and food. 

Farming everywhere. Fields and fields. 
Yup, that's the path. 

Entering a new region. 

Don't remember the name. 

No food here. 
Cathedral on Belorado. 


  1. Ah, if only you had a Cliff bar...

  2. Oh, and I found both of those towns - Santa Domingo and Belarado on a map!
