Saturday, September 28, 2013

San Bol to Itera de Vega. Day 15

Sorry, no photos today. My phone (camera ) died and I could not charge it until arriving here. 

The first part of the walk was dark and threatening. At one point we walked up a 12% grade for one km. before reaching the top, the rain began in earnest. So did the wind. Heading downhill began with an 18% grade for 350 meters. Fortunately this was paved rather than muddy, rocky trail. The wind blew from the south and the rain came down in torrents pelting me and managing to get in any opening. Thank heaven for good rain gear!  Those with ponchos and no rain pants were quite wet. 

Walked by the ruins of a convent. Sad not to have been able to take photos. It must have been amazing in its time. 

About 25 km after leavin San Bol I arrived here. Found the municipal albergue and settled in. 

Buen Camino. 

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